Language Leaps

Initial Development of a Curriculum for Classrooms Serving Younger Preschoolers


Project Goals

The purpose of this project is to collaborate with early childhood educators to develop new curriculum materials that support accelerated language development among 2-to 3 -year -old children.

Researchers at Florida State University are studying early childhood language development and how educators use of effective age-appropriate curricula can enhance this development. Researchers are interested in creating and piloting a new age-appropriate curriculum, Language Leaps! This new curriculum is an adaptation, for 2- and 3-year-old children of the evidence-based Literacy Express curriculum originally designed for 3- to 5-year-old children.

Literacy Express is a comprehensive preschool curriculum structured around thematic units addressing oral language, emergent literacy, early math, science, general knowledge, and socio-emotional development. It can be used in half- or full-day programs with typically developing children and children with special needs. The program provides professional development opportunities for staff, teaching materials, suggested activities, and recommendations for room arrangement, daily schedules, and classroom management. View the report for information about the evidence-based Literacy Express curriculum.

Language Leaps! will be modeled after Literacy Express and will assist early childhood educators in accelerating the vocabulary and language growth of children aged 2-3 years old. An additional aim of this project is to build collaborative partnerships with stakeholders (early childhood educators, aides, directors). Early childcare educators serving children aged 2-3 years old are invited to take part in the study.


Who will participate

Directors, Lead Teachers and Assistant Teachers will be asked to participate in various activities as a site-level team.


When will this take place

Project activities will take place during the 2022-2023 school year.

"fall timeline""spring timeline"

Participating directors and/or teacher(s) will:

  • Provide information about personal and educational background
  • Allow trained observers to spend time in the classroom
  • Share attitudes and opinions about instructional practices
  • Implement one new curriculum unit (lasting about 4 weeks) later in the school year


The project team will provide:

  • Curriculum materials to keep, free of charge
  • Curriculum specific professional development for teachers
  • Directors can earn up to $55 for participation
  • Lead Teachers can earn up to $250 for participation
  • Assistant Teachers can earn up to $50 for participation


Email the project website to learn more!

Associate in Research
Assistant in Research
Beth M.
Principal Investigator